Sunday, February 21, 2010


'Study hard now, play hard later.' Gwendeline Lee Wei.

That's my quote since last year, but did I manage to fulfill it?
Opps. Depends ;p
But... We had to.
We're the...

Let's do our best, not to let them down.
That's our reponsible.
Our mission.
Our achievement.

Currently, the problem we face is just a small peak of the iceberg.
We have to overcome it
as it will be more and more challenging tasks await before us.

Remember, this is just a small peak of it.
Jump over it before it rose up.
Break it before you bang it.
Do whatever you could, as long you get the results.
(please don't cheat in exams -.-)

Dreamers, let's check our engines.
Fill the petrol.
Prepare well,
before we could fly up the sky
to our bright future.